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27 Desember 2009

The Octopus of Cikeas Book Scandal

Iman D. Nugroho | Photo | Story

Another book scandal has arisen in Indonesia. This time book which has title "Membongkar Gurita Cikeas, Di Balik Skandal Century" or "Dismantling the Octopus of Cikeas, Behind Century Bank Scandals" which written by George Junus Aditjondro has disappeared from book store.

It is causing controversy. People have believed the disappearance of the book because of book content, which tell connection between President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono [SBY] on Century Case. President SBY trough his spoke person Julian Aldrin Pasha said there are many non-accurate facts on this book.

However, until now President SBY still learn all materials of this book and has not have any plan to sue anyone or even ask the Attorney General Office [AGO] to ban this book. During 2009 AGO has banned five books that has considered creating bad reaction and contradiction against Indonesia Basic Law and Pancasila.

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