*Surabaya's Legal Aid Give Their Critics to Police Operation Against Street Crimes
LBH Surabaya mengikuti dengan seksama ‘operasi perang terhadap preman’ yang dijalankan oleh aparat Kepolisian. LBH Surabaya juga mendapat informasi bahwa banyak masyarakat miskin kota (PKL, juru parkir, pengamen) yang ikut ditangkap oleh aparat kepolisian dalam operasi tersebut.
Legal Aid of Surabaya (LBH Surabaya) carefully follow the 'war against street crimes operations that were carried by police officers. LBH Surabaya also received information that many poor city (street vendors, parking interpreter, street ettc), which are arrested by police in the operation. LBH Surabaya substantially supports the steps the police to ensure the guarantee of safety for the community, along the steps is run in the corridors of law and human rights.
Secara substansial LBH Surabaya mendukung langkah polisi untuk memastikan terjaminnya rasa aman bagi masyarakat, sepanjang langkah-langkah tersebut dijalankan dalam koridor hukum dan hak asasi manusia
Namun demikian, LBH Surabaya memandang bahwa perang terhadap ‘preman’ yang saat ini dijalankan oleh aparat kepolisian berpotensi membuka peluang pelanggaran hak-hak sipil dan ekonomi serta bertentangan dengan hukum acara pidana.
Pelanggaran ini sangat dimungkinkan terjadi karena :
1. belum ada nya tafsir yang jelas dan detil atas apa dan siapa yang dimaksud sebagai preman. LBH Surabaya memandang bahwa penangkapan (garuk) yang dilakukan oleh aparat kepolisian lebih banyak didasarkan pada stereotipe tertentu yang dipahami secara subyektif oleh aparat kepolisian. Subyektifitas yang didasarkan pada steretipe ini membuka peluang bagi tindakan semena-mena dari aparat kepolisian terhadap orang yang belum tentu bersalah. Pimpinan Polri seharusnya membuat panduan lebih detil atas hal ini, karena jika tidak, maka perintah dan atensi pimpinan polri ini dapat ditafsirkan salah oleh aparat di lapangan.
2. penangkapan yang dilakukan oleh aparat kepolisian acapkali bertentangan dengan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP), terutama yang berkaitan dengan penangkapan. Di dalam KUHAP, penangkapan hanya dapat dilakukan jika aparat kepolisian mendapat perintah penangkapan. Perintah penangkapan tersebut memuat secara ringkas identitas orang yang ditangkap dan dugaan pidana yang disangkakan padanya. KUHAP juga memberi kesempatan bagi aparat kepolisian untuk melakukan penangkapan tanpa surat perintah selama polisi mengetahui secara langsung adanya perbuatan pidana (istilah yang sering di gunakan adalah tertangkap tangan).
Dalam praktek penangkapan preman, aparat kepolisian tidak melengkapi dengan surat perintah penangkapan atau penangkapan terhadap preman tersebut tidak dilakukan karena tertangkap tangan sebagaimana diatur dalam KUHAP.
3. aparat kepolisian mepunyai kecendrungan untuk semata-mata menggunakan ketentuan KUHP tanpa mempertimbangkan dengan bijak hak-hak konstritusional warga negara. Dalam kenyataannya, cukup banyak orang/warga yang karena faktor kemiskinan terpaksa harus mencari nafkah di jalanan. Mereka diantaranya : PKL, jukir, pengamen, pengemis dll). Keberadaan mereka di jalanan senyatanya adalah representasi dari ketidakmampuan negara untuk memenuhi hak ekonomi mereka. Penangkapan terhadap mereka yang karena kemiskinan terpaksa hidup di jalanan juga bertentangan secara langsung dengan pasal 34 UUD 1945 yang berbunyi : “Fakir miskin dan anak terlantar dipelihara oleh negara”.
Aparat kepolisian di tuntut untuk menghormati dan menjamin terlindunginya hak-hak hukum dan hak konstitusional setiap warga negara. Karenanya, dalam hal ‘perang melawan preman’ ini, LBH Surabaya meminta aparat kepolisian untuk berhati-hati agar jangan sampai tindakannya dapat melanggar hak-hak warga negara.
Bagi mereka yang merasa dirugikan hak-hak hukum dan hak konstitusinya dari operasi polisi ini, LBH Surabaya menerima pengaduan secara langsung. Pengaduan tersebut akan ditindaklanjuti dengan meneruskan pengaduan tersebut kepada pimpinan Polri dan Polda Jatim serta Komisi Kepolisian agar ditindaklanjuti, serta terbuka kemungkinan dilakukannya gugatan hukum kepada aparat kepolisian atas pelanggaran yang mereka lakukan. Pengaduan dapat disampaikan secara langsung ke kantor LBH Surabaya .
Athoillah, SH
Kepala Bidang Operasional LBH Surabaya
Surabaya's Legal Aid Give Their Critics to Police Operation Against Street Crimes
Legal Aid of Surabaya (LBH Surabaya) carefully follow the 'war against street crimes operations that were carried by police officers. LBH Surabaya also received information that many poor city (street vendors, parking interpreter, street ettc), which are arrested by police in the operation. LBH Surabaya substantially supports the steps the police to ensure the guarantee of safety for the community, along the steps is run in the corridors of law and human rights.
However, LBH Surabaya that the war against 'thugs', which is currently run by the police potentially open opportunities violation of civil rights and economic and contrary to the law of criminal events. This is very possible violations occur because:
1. There is not a clear commentary and details of what and who is referred to as a civilian. LBH Surabaya that the arrest conducted by the police is based more on stereotypes The stereotypical understood that certain subjectively by the police only. Subjectivity based on stereotypes open opportunities for action haphazardly from the police against people who do not necessarily guilty. Police leaders should make more detailed guidelines on this.
2. Arrested made by police often contrary to the Penal Code, the Criminal Code Act (KUHAP), mainly related to the arrest. In the Code of Criminal Procedure, arrest can only be done if the police obtained arrest commandment. Command to load the arrest briefly identity of the person arrested and suspected criminal. KUHAP also provide an opportunity for police to arrest without warrant to know directly the criminal act (a term that is often caught in the use of).
In practice, catching civilian, police do not complete the warrant of arrest or the arrest of the thugs is not done because of being caught, as stipulated in the KUHAP.
3. Police has trends for the sole purpose of using the provisions of the Penal Code without considering the wisdom contirutional rights of citizens. In fact, many people / citizens because of factors that poverty forced to seek sustenance in the street. They are: street vendors, street privat parking , beggar, etc.). Their presence in the street is representative of the inability of countries to meet their economic rights. The arrest against poverty because they are forced to live in the street also directly contradict the 1945 Constitution article 34 which read: "very poor and abandoned children are kept by the state."
Police officer in the scientist to ensure the protection and respect the rights of legal and constitutional rights of every citizen. Therefore, in terms of 'war against the thugs' this, LBH Surabaya ask the police to be careful to avoid actions that could violate the rights of citizens.
For those who feel aggrieved rights and legal rights konstitusinya of this police operation, LBH Surabaya received complaints directly. Complaints will be followed up with continuing complaints to the leadership and East Java Police Commission that followed, and open the possibility of conducting legal claim to the police for violation of that they do. Complaints can be submitted directly to the office of LBH Surabaya.
Athoillah, SH
Head of Field Operations LBH Surabaya
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